Final Image

This is the image that I have used, after different trys and different ideas I really like this one it’s a horse lying down with Don Corleone’s head coming up with a tree coming behind it like a family tree and that it all started with him and in Photoshop I used different effects to do the contract and make it darker and also downloaded brushes for the blood around the image, I didn’t want to ruin the image by doing stuff to the background so I thought make it look old and textured it is something like you would find on a poster, I was going to add text but I think it would of added to much to the image, and I’m really happy with the end result.


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Third Horse Try

I decided to change my mind because I think I needed something more to my image so I had a brain storm and thought about it for a while and went with an idea for a tree like the Godfathers family tree coming out of a horse and the roots coming from the horses body and I did a few try’s and used pencil and water colours then onto Photoshop I had a few different try’s and then I thought what about if Don Corleone head was in the middle as if it all started from him, you will see in the other images how I created that. I want to use dark colours such as black, red and greys, once it was done and i put it into photoshop i had an idea maybe use it as a tarot card which says death i tried a few different ones but i still wasn’t happy but i do like the colours and the outcome, i also had another idea of where Don Corlenoes head was in the tree and thought id give that a go before i stick too my final image.


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Second Horse Try


This is an image I thought might work it’s a horses head with half of it as a skeleton, I saw an image on Google that go me thinking and decided to give it a god and see how it went, I used watercolors for it all and Photoshop at the end, I started with soft light colours and slowly built it up till the final image, I do like it but I think I needed more for my final images and decided not to use it but I do like the colours and the build up to it.


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First Horse Try

This is my first try at my horse I decided to try to have a horse with a mafia hat holding an orange and edit on Photoshop, I used charcoal, pencil, and pastels. I think it did turn out well but it think it was missing something I did a few different try’s on Photoshop but I still wasn’t happy with it.


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These are sketches that I did because I haven’t drawn in a while and wanted to get back into it I started out with pencil and charcoal. It was also to help me get an idea into my head of what I wanted to do I knew it was something with a horse because in the Godfather they used a horses head when threatening the man, I knew my drawing skills weren’t the best so I did a few different horse drawings.


In the different images I tried different horse shapes and shades and to try and find the horse head that I think would work better for my final image. I also wanted to put the orange in somewhere maybe the horse holding the orange. Also thought it might work with an orange rotting.

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Drawings “The Godfather”

I started doing a spider diagram and also writing down words i think that would help me create an image for this assignment and this actually helped me think about everything. i did a few drawings of different horses to get my skills up and what way i would like them to look or stand i used charcoal because i think with shadowing and not using colour right now will help me get a better understanding, i did a few and then did an image i would like a horse standing up wearing a mafia hat holding an orange. i also took a photo and edited it on photoshop i do like the way it turned out but maybe more detail or more shading could make it better il be doing a few more to see how it develops.


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Research “The Godfather”

I watched the Film again and watched it too see if i missed anything and also to remember what happened and who was who, also in my research i looked online to see if there was any information that i could find, i did find somethings that did interest me as they used a real horse’s head for the scene to threaten the man and scare him, he also didnt know when they film the real scene, also they used a lot of oranges to brighten up some dark scenes because the director wanted the movie to look dark to represent the mafia and the darkness within it.


this research did help me understand what i wanted to do because after watching the film i was a bit confused in how i could create an image, i do have some ideas such as a horse dressde up as a mafia holding an orange and in the background “ill make him and offer he cant refuse”

or maybe snakes and the heads are of the mafia.

i do want to do something with the horse head because i do think thats one of the big parts in the movie and also something i found in the research that someone would have to think why is that there?

The Godfather, Starting Point (Week 1)

i was giving this assignment to do for during the summer, I was told  to start a story breakdown similar to the Witness only this time for the Godfather. Have a detailed understanding and character timeline for when we meet. i had never seen the movie before, so when i sat down to watch it i kind of knew what to expect but it was never my kind of movie to sit through 3 hours of, but once it started the opening scene  caught my attention, but i did find it every hard to understand his accent i think thats why i paid such attention to understand what he was saying so i didn’t miss any important information at the start, the movie i did watch didn’t have subtitles and some parts in the movie you had yo guess what they were saying but i think the movie was done so good that you knew what was about to happen and what they were saying because they go through every detail through out the movie and i think they didn’t really leave much out that you were confused. their is a lot of cast in this movie, and trying to find out who is who and remembering who they are, such as sonny & Michael is Dons sons and he also has a son and daughter you see her in the start scene where she is getting married and everyone is happy, but Don is still doing his mafia work while she’s getting married. at the end of the movie i was surprised at how good it was and I’m glad i did watch it finally,

my next step is to watch the movie again and write down notes about where they are who their with and whats happening in each scene and hopefully i will understand and really get this movie into my head.

Assets for shop

For maya some of the team are building the main shop and out side and me and toni decided to split the assests inside the shop just to make the look realistic because you cant have a pet shop with nothing in side. i did a lavalamp which i think turned out really well.Screen Shot 2013-05-08 at 11.12.01 Screen Shot 2013-04-24 at 19.10.01 Screen Shot 2013-05-08 at 11.06.08 Screen Shot 2013-05-08 at 11.06.37 Screen Shot 2013-05-08 at 11.06.59 Screen Shot 2013-05-08 at 11.11.22

Final Idea

After talking during the holidays and looking at everyones idea on Teambox we decided as a group to go with fishfarts there was a few that were good but for everyone is was best to go with what the group thought because we are all working on it, so we went away and did research into fish and different pet shops and did different drawings and ideas.

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